Administrative procedures

The application of the interested party is submitted to:

Acceptance of an application from an interested person is refused in cases specified in Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008. No. 433-Z “On the basics of administrative procedures” .

The implementation of an administrative procedure (issuance of a certificate, other document (decision) to the interested person is denied in cases specified in Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z “On the Fundamentals of Administrative Procedures . ”

 The interested person applies to the responsible persons to complete the administrative procedure on weekdays from 8-00 to 17-00, lunch break from 11-30 to 12-30 at the telephone numbers indicated below.

There is no fee for carrying out the listed administrative procedures.


Number and name of the administrative procedure according to the List of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations upon applications from citizens, approved by  Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus  dated April 26, 2010 No. 200

Item of the List defining documents and (or) information submitted by a citizen to carry out an administrative procedure*

Duration of the administrative procedure

Validity period of the certificate

Forms (blanks) of documents required to apply for an administrative procedure


 Trade union committee, Nezavisimosti Ave., 79/1, office. No. 441. Tel. +375 17 292 25 06
Responsible –  Chairman of the trade union committee Anatoly Alekseevich Uretsky




1.1.5. on registration (reinstatement) of citizens in need of improved housing conditions, on making changes to the composition of the family with which the citizen is registered as needing improved housing conditions, on inclusion in separate lists of those in need of improved housing conditions, on separation (consolidation) of the queue, on re-registration of the queue from a citizen to an adult member of his family

p.p. 1.1.5  List

1 month from the date of application


Application form for registration of those in need of improved housing conditions

Form of Information about the income and property of each family member


1.1.7. on the removal of citizens from the register of those in need of improved housing conditions

p.p. 1.1.7 List

15 days from the date of application


Application form for deregistration of those in need of improved housing conditions


1.1.8. on registration of citizens wishing to obtain housing in a dormitory

p.p. 1.1.8 List

1 month from the date of application


Application form


Issuing a certificate:


1.3.1. on the status of those registered in need of improved housing conditions

passport or other identification document

on the day of treatment

 6 months



2.24. about the child’s insecurity this year with a voucher at the expense of state social insurance funds to a camp with round-the-clock stay

5 days from the date of application




2.44. on the non-allocation of vouchers for children for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation this year

passport or other identification document

5 days from the date of application




membership in a trade union organization

passport or other identification document

on the day of treatment




2.35. Payment of funeral benefits

clause 2.35 of the List

1 working day from the date of application,

and in case of requesting documents and (or) information from other government bodies, other organizations – 1 month

 at one time



 HR department, Nezavisimosti Ave., 79/1, office. No. 403. Tel. +375 17 292 22 23
Responsible person –  leading HR specialist Lesun Irina Andreevna 


2.1. Issuance of an extract (copy) from the work book

5 days from the date of application




2.2. Issuing a certificate of employment

5 days from the date of application




2.3. Issuance of a certificate of period of work

5 days from the date of application




2.30. Issuing a certificate of work period for registering citizens as unemployed:

clause 2.30 of the List

 1 working day




Certificate of period of work, service at the last place of work – for persons who carried out labor activities, and a civil contract and a document confirming early termination of the contract (if any) – for persons who performed work for the Employer under civil contracts, the subject of which was the performance of work (provision of services, creation of intellectual property)

according to the Standard form in accordance with Appendix 2 to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

from 05.10.2010 No. 140





2.5. Assignment of maternity benefits

clause 2.5 of the List

10 days from the date of application, and in case of request or submission of documents and (or) information from other government bodies, other organizations and (or) receipt of additional information necessary for the assignment of benefits – 1 month

for the period specified in the certificate of incapacity for work



2.6. Assignment of benefits in connection with the birth of a child

clause 2.6 of the List

at one time



2.8. Assignment of benefits to women registered with healthcare organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy

clause 2.8 of the List

at one time

Application form for granting benefits to families raising children


2.9. Assignment of child care benefits under 3 years of age

clause 2.9 of the List

on the day the child reaches 3 years of age


2.9-1. Assignment of benefits to families for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age

clause 2.9-1 of the List

for the period until the date of occurrence of circumstances leading to termination of benefit payment


2.12. Assignment of benefits for children over 3 years of age from certain categories of families

clause 2.12 of the List

until June 30 or December 31 of the calendar year in which the benefit was assigned, or until the day the child reaches 16 or 18 years of age


2.15. Assignment of benefits for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age

clause 2.15 of the List

for the duration of the child’s disability status


2.13. Assignment of temporary disability benefits for caring for a sick child under 14 years of age (disabled child under 18 years of age)

Certificate of incapacity for work

10 days from the date of application, and in case of requesting documents and (or) information from other government bodies, other organizations and (or) obtaining additional information necessary to assign benefits – 1 month

for the period specified in the certificate of incapacity for work



2.14. Assignment of temporary disability benefits for caring for a child under 3 years of age and a disabled child under 18 years of age in the event of illness of the mother or another person actually caring for the child

Certificate of incapacity for work

for the period specified in the certificate of incapacity for work



2.16. Assignment of temporary disability benefits for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age in the event of his sanatorium-resort treatment or medical rehabilitation

Certificate of incapacity for work

for the period specified in the certificate of incapacity for work



2.25. Issuing a certificate of being on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years


3 working days




Performed by: 
 central accounting
Responsible –  leading accountant of the central accounting department Sukhno-Deryabina T.I., office. No. 429. tel. +375 17 215 28 30 


2.18. Issuance of a certificate about the amount of child benefit and the period of its payment

passport or other identification document

5 days from the date of application




2.18-1. Issuing a certificate of non-receipt of child benefits

passport or other identification document

5 days from the date of application




2.19. Issuance of a certificate of return to work before the expiration of parental leave for a child under 3 years of age and termination of benefits

3 working days




2.20. Issuance of a certificate of alimony withholding and its amount

clause 2.20 of the List

5 days from the date of application




2.29. Issuance of a certificate about the period for which maternity benefits were paid

passport or other identification document

3 days from the date of application




18.7. Issuance of a certificate of the presence (absence) of writs of execution and (or) other requirements for the collection from the applicant of tax debts, other unfulfilled obligations to the Republic of Belarus, its administrative-territorial units, legal entities and individuals to resolve the issue of renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Belarus

clause 18.7 of the List

5 working days from the date of filing the application, and if necessary, conducting a special (including tax) audit, requesting documents and (or) information from other government bodies, other organizations –

1 month

6 months



18.13. Issuance of a certificate of income, calculated and withheld amounts of income tax from individuals

passport or other identification document

3 days



* The list of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations upon applications from citizens was approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 No. 200