As part of the Week of Parental Love, dedicated to the celebration of Mother’s Day (October 14) and Father’s Day (October 21), the Printing House joined the republican trade union action “Let’s congratulate mom together!” Throughout the country these days the warmest and brightest words of love and devotion to parents are heard. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are another occasion to express our feelings, which we often forget about in the fast pace of modern life.

From the very morning, an atmosphere of joy reigned at the central entrance of our enterprise on the eve of two wonderful holidays dedicated to the most valuable thing that each of us has – parents.

This is the first time such a sincere and sincere event has been held for our colleagues. It’s nice to see how a smile This is the first time such a sincere and sincere event has been held for our colleagues. It’s nice to see how a smile blooms on the faces of colleagues, thoughtful before work or tired after a shift, from simple and kind words. “I would like to wish all my colleagues on this beautiful day before the holiday that there is always a reason to smile,” shared the chairman of the trade union committee A. Uretsky.

The pre-holiday surprise pleasantly surprised the employees of the Printing House. Colleagues exchanged congratulations with each other. “The holiday is warm and joyful. It’s nice to receive such a surprise at the checkpoint before the start of the working day: your mood instantly lifts and the smile never leaves your face. I wish all my colleagues also to receive a pleasant unexpected gift, to love and be loved,” Maria Bondareva, a storekeeper at the bookbinding shop, conveyed congratulations.

aughter, smiles, words of gratitude for pleasant impressions – all this became part of the beginning of the Friday working day for the Print House employees.

“On such a wonderful pre-holiday morning, I would like to wish everyone health, love and human warmth. Let loved ones always be there, and life be as sweet as the chocolates that were given at the entrance today,” smiles the designer of the production and publishing center Maria Zotova.

“What can you wish for Mother’s Day and the upcoming Father’s Day to all colleagues? Of course, simple human happiness, finding reasons for joy in little things and not being sad over trifles. Happy New Year, dear mothers and fathers, as well as those who still have this proud title of being called parents, and may everything be fine,” General Director Andrei Lukyanchikov congratulates his colleagues.

“It is impossible to express in one sentence everything that I would like to wish my colleagues on the eve of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. However, all this can be said in one word – “to be.” Be beautiful, be healthy, be loved, and most importantly, be happy,” smiles the head of the HR department Anton Pavelyev.

The Print House employees received a lot of pleasant emotions and were charged with positivity for the whole day and the upcoming weekend.