The “Party School” project is  a unique format  of an educational platform for members of the political association “Belaya Rus”.

The main goal of the project  is political education and improving the political culture of fellow party members.

Plans for the development of the republican project “Party School” are quite extensive: a number of educational trainings and seminars, as well as excursions to leading enterprises in Minsk, have been prepared in January. Project participants will have an in-depth study of how to systematically summarize the current news agenda and competently broadcast it in work collectives.

An acquaintance with the first participants in the capital stage of the republican project “Party School” took place at the Kommunarka confectionery factory.

The project participants were greeted by Andrey  Bugrov, chairman of the Minsk city branch of the Belaya Rus BP, chairman of the Minsk City Council of Deputies. During the conversation, Andrei Aleksandrovich noted that the party is based on the ideology of stability, constant development and success. The sacred meaning of the White Rus’ party is reflected in its name and speaks for itself. In general, the Belaya Rus party should become the political force on which the government will rely. It will be the core in defending the interests of the people, a guarantor of the fulfillment of the social contract between the government and the people. And party building is an important step in organizing active citizens of the country. Our party

supports what the Head of State has repeatedly said: a state for the people, to make life more comfortable, so that the life of the people will be for the benefit of the development and prosperity of the country. We know how difficult it was, but we are doing everything for the sake of the future of our country and people, for the sake of preserving the sovereignty and independence of our native Belarus. We will definitely succeed.

After the dialogue, the project participants were given a tour of the enterprise, where everyone was able to see with their own eyes the process of creating the products that we have loved so much since childhood.

It is noteworthy that among the project participants are employees of the House of Press, who are the founders and, accordingly, members of the Belarusian party “Belaya Rus”.