At the single information day, which took place at the enterprise, the first deputy head of the administration of the Sovetsky district of Minsk, Alexandra Igovina, spoke. The main topic of discussion is “The Republic of Belarus: projects for the future.” Participants in the dialogue discussed key aspects of the country’s development in such sectors as nuclear energy, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.

Traditionally, at a single information day, an open discussion of topics relevant to the life of the country is held. The most important project of the future is the construction of a sovereign, democratic, strong, fair state. This is the main project that has been successfully implemented over the past 30 years. This large-scale project of the future also includes all others – space, high technology, nuclear power plants, modernization of energy infrastructure, woodworking, microelectronics.

Today, the scientific and technological sovereignty of the state is the key to its political and economic independence. It is not the size of the territory and natural resources, but the intellectual resource and human capital that are the real national wealth of a nation. This allows Belarusians to look into the future with optimism.

In the early 1990s, our country faced the threat of destruction of its scientific potential. Funding for research programs stopped, scientific schools were closed, and talented scientists left the country. To all the indignation and reproaches regarding such a policy, there was a universal answer that, they say, “it is better and more profitable not to invent and produce it ourselves, spending enormous resources, but to buy everything in the advanced West.” It was possible to reverse the trend leading to disaster only with the coming to power of the current President of Belarus A.G.

Lukashenko. The logic was simple: if we do not preserve the unique Soviet Belarusian science, do not continue its traditions, taking into account the transition to a new technological structure, then we will get the role of a periphery and a colony for stronger and more successful nations. The choice of path was obvious.

Today we successfully launch our satellites into space. We confidently joined the club of nuclear powers. We’re storming Antarctica. We develop advanced IT and biotechnologies that are in demand all over the world. And we are not talking so much about specific achievements, discoveries and inventions, yes, this is important. But even more important is the project-based strategic thinking of the current generation of Belarusians, the generation of creators.

Belarus is a sovereign state that has retained its scientific and intellectual potential. The strategic directions of the country’s scientific potential include a number of areas. One of them is the development of nuclear energy. Let’s briefly look at the numbers: about 18 billion kWh of electricity will be generated annually in Belarus, which will completely cover the country’s internal needs. Over the past two years, 1.2 million square meters have been built. m of electrified housing. According to experts, the implementation of the Belarusian NPP will reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by more than 7 million tons. Other strategic directions include the development of biotechnologies in the agricultural sector, healthcare, and space exploration.

Innovative activity brings certain results. At the end of January – February 2024, GDP amounted to 104% compared to the same period last year. The country has a positive foreign trade balance. Exports are carried out mainly to the markets of friendly countries, countries of Asia, Africa, Russia and China.

The efficient operation of the economy allowed for wage growth. In January 2024 it amounted to 1991 rubles.

The structure of the national innovation system underlies the concept of national security and represents interests in the scientific and technical sphere. Includes building a knowledge-based economy; creation of new industries, economic sectors, introduction of advanced technologies; expanding the presence of national intellectual products on the global market. The priority areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities are accumulated in the State Program for Innovative Development of the country.

Another pride of the country is the IT sector and, accordingly, the Hi-Tech Park; the number of its product companies has grown 14 times over 5 years. Residents can engage in more than 40 activities. These are solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, development of high-quality software, engineering solutions for mobile applications in healthcare, banking legal support, laser technologies, and optics. Thus, in 2021, HTP export growth amounted to 3.2 billion rubles. Contribution to the country’s GDP is almost 4%. Today the high technology park unites 1,010 companies. This is more than 55 thousand people. As for future projects, these are a number of developments by HTP residents that are already being used. These are software for banks, tests for identifying infectious diseases, an air quality monitoring platform for cities, a smart home, a platform for universal knowledge and education, etc.

The centuries-old history of Belarus testifies: difficulties have never stopped Belarusians. On the contrary, they motivated me and helped me solve the most ambitious tasks. The Republic of Belarus has serious growth points that will determine the face of the country in the coming decades. Achievements in the space, nuclear, and biotechnological industries bring a synergistic effect to the national economy and serve as a driver for related industries, the creation of new industries, and training of personnel in the latest specialties. These areas of activity become a measure of the country’s success, a symbol of a high dream. People who have a lofty dream are not afraid of the Maidans.

As the Head of State emphasized on October 20, 2023 at a meeting on improving the system of planning and monitoring the implementation of strategic projects: “This is the future not only of any system, but of any country as a whole. Strategic projects, if we talk about Belarus, are the future of our country… Without a future, not a single person, not a single system, not a single state can exist.”

Thus, the Single Information Day at the Belarusian Press House has become an important platform for discussing key aspects of projects for the future of the country and the role of each citizen in these projects.