The workforce of the House of Press joined the discussion of the citywide information day on the topic “Economic security is a key condition for the sustainable development of the Belarusian state.”

Thus, the draft of the new National Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus states that  economic security  is the state of protection of industries and sectors of the economy from the effects of threats that impede the sustainable socio-economic development of our country.

Despite the unprecedented sanctions pressure, the Belarusian economy is showing growth: industrial production has increased, inflation has decreased, and the population’s income has increased.

If we talk about the macroeconomic situation in the country, then in recent years, on the one hand, there have been various risks and challenges, but on the other, a certain window of opportunity has opened, which we have taken advantage of. This is the merit of enterprises that managed to reorient themselves in difficult conditions. As a result, real wages increased in the country and inflation decreased.

When price regulation policies were introduced, there were many different points of view. There are certain risks and the situation must be controlled. But today it is clear that price regulation has not led to a shortage of any goods in the market. Nevertheless, theses are periodically thrown into the information space that there will be a shortage of certain goods. What then? Any economist assumes that at some point one or another product may fall out of the assortment. It’s another matter when this is presented as a result of price regulation. We do not have systemic problems, sometimes specific issues arise, but the situation is monitored and appropriate measures are taken – contacts are built between trade and manufacturers. For trade, it is very important that the counters are filled – this allows you to maintain turnover and revenue, and retain customers.

The contribution of capital’s enterprises to the country’s economy is significant. For some positions, the share of Minsk is 30% and even more than 50%, but there are enterprises that find themselves in a difficult situation as a result of the imposed sanctions, but there are also such as MAZ, Belkommunmash, whose products are in such demand that people queue for them even city authorities. Attention is also paid to import substitution. This year, enterprises without departmental subordination alone began to produce goods for more than 530 items.

Today, the real sector of the economy, which was predicted to be two steps away from the abyss, is working. This is an example of how to live with your own mind. In the future, import substitution should transform into technological sovereignty. As for import substitution, we can draw an analogy with parallel imports: if there are no components that are subject to sanctions, then we will import them through third countries. And technological sovereignty is precisely those key competencies that make it possible to control the production chain from fundamental science to the real sector. Yes, today it is impossible to completely localize all components and ensure their production in one territory. But if you are going to import this or that product, then you should have 3-5 alternative suppliers to insure against force majeure circumstances. Therefore, today the government is faced with the task of creating a technologically independent economy, and in key areas – such as nanotechnology, microelectronics, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, which today is the foundation of our economy.

Our state confidently maintains a socially oriented course of development of the national economy.

The Decree of the President of Belarus determined  the most important parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2024 :

GDP – growth by 3.8%;

real disposable income of the population, as a percentage by 2023 – growth by 3.5%;

investments in fixed capital by 2023 – growth by 3.9%;

export of goods and services by 2023 – an increase of 7.6%.

All this became possible, including thanks to the strategic partnership between Belarus and Russia.  The unity of the two states is, first of all, economics .