January 15, 2024 is a citywide information day on the topic: “ Elections of deputies 2024: arguments and facts .”

Elections are one of the integral elements of democracy in the state, an effective format for collective decision-making with equal influence of participants on the outcome of the process.

In our country, the constitutional principle of democracy, enshrined in Article 3 of the Basic Law of the Republic of Belarus, has been maximally realized:  “The people exercise their power directly, through representative and other bodies in the forms and limits determined by the Constitution . ” In Belarus, everything has been done so that the citizen can independently and freely decide who deserves his vote in the elections.

On November 20, 2023, the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko signed  decrees No. 367  “On calling elections of deputies” and  No. 368  “On calling elections to the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.”


The current election campaign is the largest in the history of independent Belarus. It is necessary to elect  110  deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and  12,514  deputies of local Councils of Deputies.

For reference:

There are 388 deputies in the regional and Minsk city councils, 3,434 in district councils, 373 in city councils (cities of regional subordination), 223 in city councils, 63 in village councils, and 8,033 in rural councils. On a single voting day  from 08:00 to 20:00, Belarusian citizens will decide on representatives who will speak on their

behalf, delegating to them the right to govern our country.

Those voters who will not be able to come to the polling station on Sunday can exercise their voting rights during the  early voting period from February 20 to 24  from 12:00 to 19:00.

Along with this,  voting will be organized at the location of the voter . If he is unable to come to the polling station in person, a citizen may contact the precinct commission, including on election day (before 18.00), with a request to organize voting at his location.  It will be possible to vote at home only on February 25 .

From February 9,  every voter can check  whether he is included in the voting list at his place of residence and whether his information is correct.

Voters who are not registered in the territory of a polling station, but have a document confirming residence in this territory, have the right to be included in the voter list before election day (no later than February 24, 2024).

A special feature of this campaign is that citizens of Russia who permanently reside in the territory of our country have the right to participate in the elections of deputies to local councils.

Citizens who permanently reside abroad will be able to come to the country and vote at polling station No. 248, located in Minsk at the address: st. Sverdlova, 30 (State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 75 named after P.V. Maslenikov”). If a citizen has registration at the place of residence, he will be included in the lists at the place of registration.

For reference: The decision to abandon the establishment of voting stations abroad is due to the lack of necessary security measures on the territory of other countries, a reduction in the number

of diplomatic service employees, and an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

At the polling station, voters will receive:

in Minsk  –  2 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives and the Minsk City Council of Deputies;

in regional and district centers  –  3 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, city council or district council;

in rural areas  –  4 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, district council, village or town council.


The key feature of the 2024 election campaign is that it is taking place against the backdrop of serious foreign policy challenges for our country – the military conflict in Ukraine and undisguised hybrid aggression from the West. In such conditions, elections are not only the formation of representative bodies of power, but also a universal mechanism for consolidation and social unity of the Belarusian people. This is at the same time the opportunity, right and duty of each of us to serve the cause of preserving peace in our land.

Belarusians are faced with a difficult task – building a national political system that would maximally ensure and protect the values ​​of peace, security and social justice on Belarusian soil. Coming to the polling station and making your choice is not only the duty and responsibility of each of us, but it is also a loud “NO” to public confrontation, “Maidan” and chaos in our country. It is impossible not to cast your vote – too much responsibility for the future lies with each of us. Elections to Parliament and local Councils of Deputies are an opportunity to participate in governing the country, influence decisions made and see the results of your talent,

of diplomatic service employees, and an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

At the polling station, voters will receive:

in Minsk  –  2 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives and the Minsk City Council of Deputies;

in regional and district centers  –  3 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, city council or district council;

in rural areas  –  4 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, district council, village or town council.


The key feature of the 2024 election campaign is that it is taking place against the backdrop of serious foreign policy challenges for our country – the military conflict in Ukraine and undisguised hybrid aggression from the West. In such conditions, elections are not only the formation of representative bodies of power, but also a universal mechanism for consolidation and social unity of the Belarusian people. This is at the same time the opportunity, right and duty of each of us to serve the cause of preserving peace in our land.

Belarusians are faced with a difficult task – building a national political system that would maximally ensure and protect the values ​​of peace, security and social justice on Belarusian soil. Coming to the polling station and making your choice is not only the duty and responsibility of each of us, but it is also a loud “NO” to public confrontation, “Maidan” and chaos in our country. It is impossible not to cast your vote – too much responsibility for the future lies with each of us. Elections to Parliament and local Councils of Deputies are an opportunity to participate in governing the country, influence decisions made and see the results of your talent,

professionalism and hard work. No one needs a successful, technologically advanced, comfortable and cozy Belarus except ourselves. And no one will build it the way we want to see it, either. You shouldn’t believe empty promises and hope for someone else’s help.


Despite the fact that the current election campaign is taking place against the backdrop of attempts to grossly interfere in the internal affairs of independent Belarus, political wisdom, national unity and the desire to live in a peaceful country will allow Belarusians to make the right choice.

Citizens accepted the words  of Head of State A.G. Lukashenko as a guide to action :  “Today we are in such a difficult situation that  it is like we are walking on thin ice. A careless step and we can drown and overturn the state . ”

Our constitutional system is once again undergoing an important test. The correct, conscious choice of every citizen will determine the further sustainable development of sovereign Belarus, the prosperous future of our children and grandchildren.