The Belarusian National Technical University became a platform for holding a seminar “Targeted Training” with organizations that order personnel, in which Anton Pavelyev, head of the personnel department of our enterprise, took part. The main goal of the event is to consolidate the opinions of representatives of BNTU and organizations that order personnel on the issues of adapting approaches to recruiting applicants for the target area.

Targeted training is one of the main ways to select motivated applicants when solving the personnel issue of an enterprise. The rich program of the seminar included a discussion of the results of admission on the basis of targeted training in 2023, the main directions of work with basic enterprises, problems and prospects for targeted training. The topic of the main directions of career guidance work to attract targeted applicants entering in 2024 was also not left without attention. During the seminar, the report “Engineering classes as a tool for targeted specialist training” was presented.

REFERENCE: targeted training of specialists, workers, employees is the training of specialists with higher, secondary specialized education, workers with secondary specialized education, workers (employees) with vocational education at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets in full-time education in order to meet the personnel needs of organizations of the Republic of Belarus through the personal attraction of persons from among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus living in the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, who are graduates of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, carried out in accordance with the agreement on targeted training of a specialist with higher education, specialist (worker) with secondary specialized education, worker (employee) with vocational education (clause 1.39 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, which entered into force on March 1, 2022).