On September 17, our country celebrated the “youngest” public holiday – National Unity Day, which was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 7, 2021 No. 206.

The choice of date is due to the fact that it was on this day in 1939 that, as a result of the liberation campaign of the Red Army, the reunification of the BSSR and Western Belarus began, which were divided in 1921 under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty.

The restored unity allowed Belarus not only to survive the Great Patriotic War, but also to take an honorable place in the international community, becoming one of the founding countries of the UN.

On this day we return to understanding the importance of such concepts as the unity of the people. We are the people of our state, and we are united regardless of our religion or nationality. Our country is our home, which we defend together, together we are proud of the achievements of our citizens and also together we mourn sad losses and experience sad events.

As part of the celebration of National Unity Day, patriotic and cultural events were held throughout the republic, and the bright culmination was the large patriotic forum “We are Belarusians!” at the Minsk Arena. This action was witnessed by thousands of our citizens from all over the country, incl. and the workforce of the Printing House. National Unity Day is our common holiday, because we believe in our country, its strength and its power.