May 1 is a national labor holiday, this holiday is a symbol of respect for the working man, for all the people who, by doing their work, make our country stronger and stronger, create the well-being and prosperity of their native country.

All over the country on Labor Day there were May marches, holiday concerts and celebrations.

In Minsk, festive events dedicated to May Day were held in the capital’s Victory Park.

Representatives of trade unions, labor collectives and government bodies, labor veterans and youth laid flowers at the obelisk “Minsk – Hero City”. After this, the ceremonial part dedicated to Labor Day began. The May Day celebration continued with the 300th anniversary concert of the republican national patriotic action “We are together – FOR Belarus”.

Minsk residents and guests of the capital celebrate the holiday with mass celebrations. All industry trade unions organized interactive platforms. A rich entertainment program was organized for children: game and photo zones, life-size puppets, soap bubble shows, face painting and quizzes with prizes, as well as other activities. The workforce of the House of Printing also did not stand aside and joined the festive festivities.