From March 1 to March 3, the Republican holiday “Novopolotsk ─ the youth capital of the Republic of Belarus 2023” brought together 400 young people from all regions of the country. The opportunity to represent the youth of Minsk as part of the capital’s delegation was given to Anton Pavelev, a specialist from the marketing and sales department, chairman of the Republican Council of Working Youth.

The Republican holiday program was very eventful.

On the first day, participants of the youth capital took part in the national flash mob “Year of Peace and Creation”, the Republican Forum “Belarus. The youth. Creation” at 7 venues. In particular, Anton Pavelyev became a speaker at the platform for working youth, where the first meeting of the Republican Council of Working Youth under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus took place. During the first meeting, the results of the work for 2022 were summed up, priorities were set for 2023, the composition of the Council was updated and elected, incl. governing body.

The second day began with a solemn meeting and laying flowers at the Zvezda memorial complex. Then the participants went to the opening ceremony of the republican holiday “Youth Capital of the Republic of Belarus ─ 2023” and took part in the republican forum “Belarus. The youth. Creation.” After the hosts were given the symbolic key to the capital, a concert began with the participation of creative groups from the city. Next, a dialogue platform was held for representatives of youth public associations and formations with the participation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, representatives of government authorities, as well as public associations and organizations.

Presentation events were held in various areas, in particular, working youth and specialists working with them visited the Naftan Polimiz plant, where they became familiar with the successful practice of working with youth. The event-filled second day ended with a viewing of Alexei Dudarev’s dramatic ballad “Don’t Leave Me” performed by the honored amateur group of the Republic of Belarus of the People’s Theater “Pilgrim”. The production did not leave any young spectator indifferent. The third day of a large-scale event of republican significance ended with the “Youth Capital” flash mob and an excursion program around Novopolotsk. The participants dispersed to their regions to share their impressions, drive, sense of unity and desire to make life even better in our communities and the Republic of Belarus, preserving and passing on strong threads of unity to each other.