The historical drama “On the Other Shore,” which tells about the struggle of Belarusians against Polish oppression, became the best gift from filmmakers for the youngest national holiday – National Unity Day. The large-scale film, produced by the Belarusfilm film studio, was shown on September 14 on cinema screens throughout the country. The “heart” of the national premiere was the capital’s House of Cinema.

STV channel observer Evgeniy Pustovoy said wonderfully about the film : “This is a national premiere. This movie is about us. Not only about history. About us today.”

In his television report from the scene of the event, E. Pustovoy cited a significant dialogue from the film:

“ The Poles took your homeland away from you, and you are working as a laborer for them.”

– Where they pay, it’s good.

And he commented: “Does it remind you of anything?”

Continuing this thought, the journalist added: “Personification of history, immersion in artifacts – this is the only way now, at a time of satiety with information and emotions, that one can intercept attention to the truth.”

In the foyer of the Cinema House there was an exhibition of weapons and clothing from the Belarusfilm funds. All this played its episodic but important “roles” in the film.

Director Andrei Khrulev formulated the idea of ​​the film in this way, which remained “behind the scenes”, but is clearly read in the context of the film narrative: “ You just have to accept Western values, and you will be one of your own? Nothing like this. History repeats itself, and now again look at what is happening on the western borders…”

The undeniable relevance of the new film, despite its historical basis, was emphasized by literally all viewers. And including Yuri Alexey, general director of the National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”. He especially noted the traditional style of Belarusfilm. The words of publicist E. Pustovoy coincide with the opinion of Yuri Maryanovich : “Without Hollywood action, but in a classic performance, with details and details. Simple and tasteful, but gives me goosebumps.”

Indeed : there are topics where neither special effects, nor dramatic delights, nor innovative presentation of the material are needed. All this distracts from the essence of what is happening on the screen. And, in confirmation of the correctness of this artistic concept, young people, of whom there were many at the premiere, reacted to the film sincerely and emotionally. And this is the best evidence: the film turned out well, the audience accepted it.

Photo report by Viktor Zaikovsky.