June 11 – Vladimir Vikentievich MOROZ is 70 years old.

Vladimir Moroz’s talent is unique and multifaceted. Absolute mastery of his native word allowed the poet to realize himself in different guises, but his creative biography began… with architecture. Vladimir graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute. The first entry in the work book is “architect of PTO “Integral”, later he worked at the Minskproekt Institute…

But talent, if it is real, imperiously demands realization. Work in the field of “frozen music” was only partly akin to art… Vladimir Moroz first dreamed, and then entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow and successfully graduated from this university. It was a valuable experience of communicating with like-minded people, mastering new layers of culture, and entering the profession. But it was not a prestigious literary education that made him a poet—he was born a poet.

…Vladimir Vikentievich Moroz has a quiet voice, an attractively modest demeanor, not a shadow of pathos, not an ounce of pride: he is a real Belarusian, combining the best features of the national mentality. The poet realizes his talent with calm dignity, without fuss. And this is a significant contribution to national culture – both in the field of poetry and in the field of cinema.

Vladimir Moroz’s talent has many facets, sometimes unexpected. For example, he organically entered into the image of Yakub Kolas in the documentary film “In Poshukakh New Lands.” The similarity with the great singer of the Belarusian land is undeniable, and it seems – not only external. We will not compare poems, but Belarusian poets have a very important thing in common – love for their homeland, respect for its culture and the desire to give it all the strength of their soul. Vladimir Vikentyevich is the author of poetry collections “Tender Touch”, “Voice”, “Khutorskaya Star”, “Grace”, “Noble Spring”, books of prose and essays “Belarusian Temple”, “Minsk Ancient and Young”, “Minsk. Upper City”, “Beyond the Gates of Forgotten Melodies”, “Mogilev”.

In 1981, Vladimir Moroz came to cinema. He started as a senior editor at the State Cinema Committee of the BSSR, then became a leading editor at the Letopis studio of the Belarusfilm National Film Studio. The list of films in the creation of which Vladimir Vikentievich participated will take up a lot of space. After all, his active nature and wide range of creative possibilities allow Moroz to be the author of the film’s script, its editor, and director.

At one time, at the end of the difficult 1990s, V. Moroz took up the position of deputy editor-in-chief of the Belarusian magazine “Byarozka”. But six years later he returned to “Chronicle” again, this time as the leading editor of documentary films at the National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”.

His creative achievements were noted by the state. The film “Memories of Mikola Ravensky,” in the creation of which Vladimir Vikentyevich took part as a screenwriter, was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus (1994). V. Moroz was awarded a Certificate of Honor (1994) and a badge of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus “For his contribution to the development of the culture of Belarus” (2009), a medal of the Union of Belarusian Cinematographers “For exceptional services in Belarusian cinema” (2009).

We congratulate respected Vladimir Vikentievich on his anniversary, we wish him health, success, and inexhaustible inspiration. And we give our readers a “bouquet” of poems by Vladimir Moroz, written in different years. They will tell more and better than any biographers about their author, about his love for people, his homeland, his native word. Each line contains the strength and tenderness of this love. And the beauty of the Poet’s soul, which he so generously shares with us…


MOROZ Vladimir Vikentievich (June 11, 1953) – Belarusian poet, writer, film director, screenwriter. Born in Kossovo, Ivatsevichi district, Brest region.

Director of documentaries “And let it be an eternal monument to us”, “Oil Pearl of Belarus”, “Alferov’s Laser”, “Mythologems of the Motherland”, “Belarusfilm 2010” (2006-2010).

Author of scripts (1984 – 2010) for more than 60 documentaries, including “Reunion”, “To good teaching…”, “Kirill Turovsky”, “Reflections at the Palette”, “Ivan Nosovich”, “Filomat Tomasz Zan”, “ Belarus, holiday of Orthodoxy”, “Belarus is my homeland”, “Lev Sapieha, Chancellor”, “Echo of an armed uprising”, “The Yermolovich Brothers”, “Memories of Mikola Ravensky”, “Behind the gates of forgotten melodies”, “Cross by the road” , “Symon Budny. Poem”, “Krevo”, “To the City and the World”, “Star of Athanasius”, “Tarring of the Boar”, “Memories of the Lost Paradise”, “Palace of the Republic”, “Bells of Good News”, “Malofeev. 20 years later”, “Minsk, my capital”, “Memory of a feat”, “Beautiful is far away”, “As long as the earth holds on”, “Under the wing of an angel”, “Chernobyl cross”, “Treasury of the word”, “Hello, Belarus! “, “Leonid Levin. War and Love”, “Chief Banker”, “Pesnyar from the Naroch region”, “Father Sergius”, “Belarusian Cross”, “Gallery”, “Signs of Fate. Victor Kazko”, “Ivan Melezh. Fogs over the swamp”, “Kossovo”, “The World of Korotkevich”, “Mezha” and others.

Today, based on the script by V. Moroz, director Galina Adamovich is filming a joint Belarusian-Uzbek project “Yakub Kolas. The Book of Tashkent Life”. The extensive list of films on which V. Moroz worked as an editor includes the premiere film “The Country of the Saved Giant” (directed by I. Byshnev), which was just awarded at the IFF in Khanty-Mansiysk. A nice gift for an anniversary!