From January 1, 2023, mandatory annual medical examination of adults was introduced in Belarus.

Medical examination of the population is carried out in a new way for the purpose of medical prevention, detection of diseases in the early stages and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The procedure for its implementation is enshrined in the Instructions on the procedure for conducting clinical examination of the adult and child population of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated August 9, 2022 No. 83.

The instructions of the Ministry of Health define categories of the population that are now subject to medical examination: adults – from 18 years to 39 years and from 40 years and older; children – from 0 years to 1 year and from 1 year to 17 years. That is, from now on, everyone, from infants to the elderly, undergoes a periodic medical examination, but not necessarily annually: patients aged 18-39 years will undergo a medical examination once every three years, but after 40 years – once a year.

The essence of new approaches to identifying risk factors will make it possible not to miss the onset of the development of the disease. A specially designed questionnaire makes it possible to suspect the presence of risk factors for the development of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. With proper medical management of the patient and compliance with a healthy lifestyle, many diseases can be avoided or identified at the initial stages, which means it is more effective to select therapy.

A patient can sign up for a medical examination by calling the reception desk (call center), through the clinic’s website, or by visiting a medical facility independently. They will also offer to undergo a medical examination in the appropriate office when the patient goes to the clinic for medical care due to any complaint. The initiative to conduct medical examinations will also come from clinic staff. Those responsible for conducting medical examinations in outpatient clinics will call patients and also send out invitations by mail. As for the medical examination process itself, first the patient will need to complete a questionnaire. Moreover, this can be done not only in the clinical examination room, but also independently on the single portal of electronic services of NCEU. In the second case, the patient must have an electronic signature and (or) a biometric passport. The results of the survey will be sent to the phone and to the healthcare organization. After this, the clinic will call you back to agree on a date for medical examination.

The advantage of the new approach is that the patient can undergo a complex of diagnostic and laboratory tests on the same day and in one place. Doctors, in particular, will measure the patient’s blood pressure, weight and height, body mass index, take an electrocardiogram, and measure intraocular pressure (for patients over 40 years old). If there are risk factors identified as a result of the analysis of the questionnaire, according to indications, the health worker will prescribe the necessary laboratory and diagnostic tests and conduct an examination. In addition, you will be given recommendations on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and will be offered to make an appointment with a general practitioner, who, if necessary, will select treatment or refer you for additional examination to other healthcare organizations.

The basis for releasing an employee from work in order to undergo a medical examination while maintaining the average earnings for that day should appear in the new edition of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus from 01/01/2024.

The right to medical examination will be exercised by the employee submitting an application to the employer.

The day of release from work is agreed upon with the employer.

Before the adoption of amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, medical examination on a working day is formalized as an exemption from work at the request of the employee with the provision of 1 day of vacation at his own expense.

In legal terms, an employee can currently exercise the right to undergo medical examination by using social leave in accordance with Article 190 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. In addition, the standards for the coverage of 90 percent of the adult population of the republic with routine preventive medical examinations are included in the State Program “People’s Health and Demographic Security” for 2021–2025, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 19, 2021 No. 28.

Everyone should learn that undergoing medical examination is important and necessary. A new emphasis on preventive care will help make the patient an active participant in monitoring their health and increase responsibility for their condition.