Special program “Childhood without violence”

In connection with the implementation of a special program “Childhood without violence” in the city of Minsk, aimed at combating crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of minors, and the trafficking of child pornography. They involve employees of all internal affairs services, representatives of healthcare, education, and public organizations.

The problem of sexual assault against minors does not lose its relevance and is one of the most serious problems of modern society.

Internal Affairs officials point out that a child can become a victim of sexual harassment not only on the street, in the entrance, but also at home. Most people who abuse children are people they know and trust. And, as a rule, such adults abuse trust and their own power over the child to achieve their goals. It is generally accepted that the safest place for a child is his home, his family. It would seem, indeed, that it is here that next to the child there are people who are called upon to love and protect him, to take care of him. However, recently we are increasingly hearing about cases of sexual abuse of children by parents and other family members.

Determining the true extent of child abuse is difficult. Parents, called upon to protect their children, often remain silent and do not report cases of crimes committed against children that violate the sexual freedom and integrity of minors. Relatives, neighbors and acquaintances who know about the situation in such families also do not always talk about it. Most often, such cases become known only when a child or other family member with injuries comes to the attention of teachers or medical workers.

If you become aware that a crime against sexual freedom or sexual integrity of minors has been committed against your child, as well as other children, you must contact 102.

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