On May 5, 2023, a festive concert dedicated to Victory Day and the professional holiday Printing Day took place in the assembly hall of the enterprise.

Even before the start of the ceremony, numerous guests began to arrive: employees of the enterprise, veterans, and invitees. Those present took bright photographs with admiration at the spring photo zone located at the central entrance of the enterprise.

The solemn event was attended by the head of the department of natural complexes and industrial production of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Surta, and the chairman of the Belarusian Trade Union of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism Workers, Tatyana Filimonova.

Without changing the long-standing tradition, at the beginning of the event, the workforce honored the fallen soldiers-printers during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence, and the youth laid flowers at the monument located on the territory of the enterprise.

The festive program was opened by General Director Andrei Nikolaevich Lukyanchikov, who congratulated the company’s staff on Victory Day and the professional holiday Press Day and expressed gratitude for their honest, fruitful and long-term work.

Employees of the enterprise who achieved significant success in their work activities were presented with awards. Then the winners of the inter-shop volleyball tournament of the Printing House were awarded. The team from the newspaper shop took first place, the team from the bookbinding shop took second place, and the team from the offset shop took third place.

Belarusian pop artists Alexandra Gaiduk, Andrey Kolosov, German Titov and Victoria Aleshko gave a good mood and bright emotions to all those present. During the performance of the heartfelt song “Remember” by the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Victoria Aleshko, those present honored the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War.

Mixes of the best musical works of the performing artists charged the audience with positivity and caused a storm of applause. Among the hits were “And I like him,” “Well, who told you,” “The cranes are flying to China,” and “Awesome.” At the end of the event, the whole audience sang “For Belarus!”

The chairman of the trade union committee of the enterprise, Anatoly Uretsky, congratulated the guests and spectators on Victory Day and the professional holiday Press Day and expressed gratitude on behalf of the workforce to the artists for their professionalism and festive atmosphere.