“…even though we are sick, we sow vegetable gardens…” said the summer residents of the gardening partnership “Krinitsa-1989”, laying out their wonderful exhibits at the next summer-autumn exhibition “Harvest-2023”, which took place on September 7 in the dining room of the House of Printing. It turned out, as always, “expensive and rich”!

Among the exhibition participants are employees of the central accounting department, the building maintenance department, newspaper, bookbinding and mechanical repair shops, as well as special production. There are also those participants who collected record harvests of more than two hundred kg! Proven varieties of vegetables delight many friends and colleagues at the dacha, but there are also those who are engaged in breeding and presented the results of their breeding work to the jury and colleagues – the Polygraphist tomato variety.

Participants were happy to share with colleagues invaluable tips on growing, storing and processing vegetables, fruits and berries. As the jury noted, there had not been such a number of participants with their harvest for a long time, and this despite the dry summer. The most striking and memorable event of the event was the tasting; the assortment presented was so diverse that it made one’s head spin. At the end of the tasting, the jury, after consulting, determined that friendship won at the Harvest 2023 festival.

All participants of the exhibition did not go unnoticed by the trade union committee of the enterprise and were awarded valuable prizes. And the main gift – a good mood and hope for future meetings, was generously shared among everyone!

This year the jury included:

Andrey Nikolaevich Lukyanchikov, General Director;

Rostislav Mironovich Levenets, First Deputy General Director-Chief Engineer;

Yuri Dmitrievich Arikhovsky, Deputy General Director for Production and Ideological Work;

Yulia Petrovna Ryskova, Deputy General Director for Financial and Economic Work;

Anatoly Alekseevich Uretsky, chairman of the trade union committee of the House of Press.