Appeals are submitted by applicants in written or electronic form, and are also presented orally.
Written appeals are submitted by express (courier), by post, during a personal reception, by entering comments and (or) suggestions in the book of comments and suggestions.
- oral appeals presented during a personal reception, written, individual and collective appeals.
- electronic appeals submitted through the system for recording and processing appeals;
- individual appeals from one applicant;
- collective appeals of two or more applicants on the same issue (several issues);
- appeals included in the Book of Comments and Suggestions, which is located in the General Director’s reception area (room 418).
Refusal to accept applications is not allowed.
Appeals are presented in Belarusian or Russian.
Written appeals from citizens must contain:
- name and (or) address of the enterprise or position and (or) surname, first name, patronymic, or initials of the person to whom the appeal is sent;
- surname, first name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the citizen, address of his place of residence (place of stay);
- statement of the essence of the appeal;
- personal signature of the citizen (citizens).
- name and (or) address of the enterprise or position and (or) surname, first name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the person to whom the appeal is sent;
- full name of the legal entity and its location;
- statement of the essence of the appeal;
- surname, first name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the manager or person authorized to sign applications in the prescribed manner;
- personal signature of the manager or person authorized to sign applications in accordance with the established procedure.
Comments and (or) suggestions are entered into the book of comments and suggestions in accordance with the form of the book of comments and suggestions established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The text of the appeal must be readable. Handwritten requests must be written in clear, legible handwriting. The use of obscene or offensive words or expressions in messages is not allowed.
If the issue set out in the appeal has already been considered, the appeal must contain information about the results of the previous consideration with the attachment (if any) of documents confirming this information.
Upon receipt of a written appeal containing issues the solution of which does not fall within the competence of the enterprise, such an appeal is sent for consideration to organizations within five working days in accordance with their competence, and the applicant is notified within the same period, or is left without consideration on the merits with notification of this applicants with an explanation of which organization and in what order they should contact to resolve the issues set out in the appeals.
- submit appeals in accordance with their competence;
- treat employees of the enterprise politely, avoid using obscene or offensive words or expressions;
- promptly inform the enterprise about changes in your place of residence (place of stay) or location during the period of consideration of the application;
- perform other duties provided for by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 18, 2011 No. 300-Z “On appeals from citizens and legal entities” and other legislative acts.
- provide attentive, responsible, friendly attitude towards applicants;
- avoid formalism, bureaucracy, red tape, biased, tactless behavior, rudeness and disrespect towards applicants;
- take measures for full, objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of appeals;
- make legal and informed decisions;
- inform applicants about decisions made based on the results of consideration of applications, except for cases provided for by this Law;
- take measures within its competence to restore the violated rights, freedoms and (or) legitimate interests of applicants;
- ensure control over the implementation of decisions taken on appeals;
- resolve, in the prescribed manner, issues of bringing to justice persons through whose fault the rights, freedoms and (or) legitimate interests of applicants were violated;
- explain to applicants the procedure for appealing responses to appeals in cases provided for by this Law;
- submit within fifteen days the documents (copies thereof) and (or) information necessary to resolve the issues set forth in the appeals to organizations, individual entrepreneurs who have requested such documents (their copies) and (or) information, except in cases of submission of documents (their copies ) and (or) information on a reimbursable basis, as well as in other cases provided for by legislative acts;
- perform other duties provided for by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 18, 2011 No. 300-Z “On appeals from citizens and legal entities” and other legislative acts.
- request, in the prescribed manner, documents (copies thereof) and (or) information necessary to resolve the issues raised in the appeals;
- go to court to recover from the applicants the costs incurred in connection with the consideration of systematically sent (three or more times during the year) unfounded appeals to the same organization, to the same individual entrepreneur from the same applicant, as well as applications containing deliberately false information;
- exercise other rights provided for by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 18, 2011 No. 300-Z “On appeals of citizens and legal entities” and other legislative acts.
Written and oral appeals are considered to be considered on their merits if all the issues set out in them are considered, appropriate measures are taken to protect, ensure the implementation, restoration of the rights, freedoms and (or) legitimate interests of the applicants and written responses are sent to written appeals, and to oral appeals – announced orally to applicants during a personal reception.
Written responses may not be sent to applicants if certain actions (work performed, services provided) were taken in the presence of the applicants to resolve the issues raised in the appeals. The results of the consideration of these appeals on the merits are formalized by the applicants making appropriate entries on the appeals or in the book of comments and suggestions, certified by the signatures of the applicants, or by drawing up a separate document confirming the completion of these actions (performance of work, provision of services).
If an answer on the merits of the question set out in the appeal cannot be given without providing information, the distribution and (or) provision of which is limited, the applicant is sent a written response informing him of the impossibility of providing him with such information.
Appeals are taken into account and responses are not sent in the following cases:
- the appeals do not contain any recommendations, demands, petitions, reports of violations of legislation, or shortcomings in the work of organizations;
- messages contain only gratitude;
- appeals contain a request from the applicant not to send a response to the appeal.
Written appeals may be left without consideration on the merits if:
- the appeals do not comply with the requirements established by the legislation on citizens’ appeals and the legislation on constitutional proceedings;
- appeals are subject to consideration in accordance with the legislation on constitutional proceedings, civil, civil procedural, economic procedural, criminal procedural legislation, legislation defining the order of the administrative process, legislation on administrative procedures, appeals are appeals from an employee to the employer or another is established in accordance with legislative acts the procedure for filing and considering such appeals;
- appeals contain issues the resolution of which does not fall within the competence of the enterprise, including if the comments and (or) suggestions included in the book of comments and suggestions do not relate to the activities of the enterprise, do not relate to the quality of goods sold, work performed, services provided;
- the deadline for filing a complaint was missed without a valid reason;
- the applicant has submitted a repeated appeal, including one included in the book of comments and suggestions, and it does not contain new circumstances relevant for consideration of the appeal on the merits;
- Correspondence with the applicant on the issues stated in the appeal has been stopped; the appeals contain threats to life, health and property, inducement to commit an illegal act, or the applicant otherwise abuses the right to appeal.
Oral appeals may be left without consideration on the merits if:
- identification documents of the applicants, their representatives, as well as documents confirming the powers of the applicants’ representatives have not been presented;
- appeals contain issues the solution of which does not fall within the competence of the enterprise where the personal reception is held;
- the applicant has already been given a comprehensive answer to his questions or correspondence with this applicant on such issues has been stopped;
- the applicant, during a personal reception, allows the use of obscene or offensive words or expressions;
- the applicant uses technical means (audio and video recording, filming and photography) without the consent of the official conducting the personal reception and refuses to stop their use; the appeals contain threats to life, health and property, inducement to commit an illegal act, or the applicant otherwise abuses the right to appeal.
If a written appeal is left without consideration on the merits, the applicant is notified in writing within five working days of leaving the appeal without consideration on the merits, indicating the reasons for such a decision, and the original documents attached to the appeal are returned to him.
The decision to leave an oral appeal presented during a personal reception without consideration on its merits is announced to the applicant during this reception by the official conducting the personal reception, indicating the reasons for making such a decision.