At the beginning of the week, the educational project “Time of the Strong” was held within the walls of our enterprise with the participation of party activists from the Sovetsky district branch of the Belarusian Party “Belaya Rus”. The speaker of the dialogue platform held in the workforce of our enterprise was the chairman of the Sovetsky district branch of the Belarusian Party “Belaya Rus” Sergei Kharitonchik.

The key events of the country were discussed at the meeting – the past VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, as well as the adoption of the Military Doctrine and the Concept of National Security of Belarus. Sergei Vasilievich noted their key role in ensuring the national interests of Belarus in modern geopolitical conditions.

In addition, the speaker emphasized that the White Rus’ party is the youngest and largest political force in the country. One of the most important indicators of the success of party work was the election campaign. According to the results of a single voting day, 51 members of the Belaya Rus party became a deputy of the House of Representatives, 3234 party members represent Belaya Rus in local Councils of Deputies. Party members also took an active part in the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly. Yes, the party did not nominate its members as delegates, as local Councils of Deputies or civil society actors did, but the deputy corps nominated 150 delegates who are members of the Belaya Rus party. In addition, another 112 delegates from civil society are also party members.

The essence of the project is the implementation of the decisions and tasks that the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly set for Belarusian society and the state. The project of the Belarusian party “White Rus’” is educational and was launched in early May at a round table in Minsk dedicated to the first anniversary of the registration of the Belarusian party “White Rus’”.

Why is it important? “Belaya Rus” intends to fulfill the task that the President set at the Meeting: there should not be a single person in our country who would be unaware of the results of the activities of the Supreme Council and the essence of the decisions made by the delegates.

At the end of the meeting with the staff of the House of Press, Sergei Vasilyevich noted the importance of uniting the Belarusian people around the key values ​​and priorities for the development of the state, outlined at the All-Belarusian Assembly.