On January 20, 2022, on the basis of the state enterprise “Publishing House “Belarusian House of Printing””, a meeting was held between the workforce of the enterprise with the Administrator of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Valery Nikolaevich Ivanov, and the Deputy Head of the Department of Natural Complexes and Industrial Production, Alexander Vasilyevich Katyushko.

In his welcoming speech, Valery Nikolaevich thanked the team for their time and spoke about the state of affairs and performance of the enterprise in comparison with other organizations included in the structure of the Business Administration, and also shared his vision for the development of printing production. But still, topic No. 1 of this meeting was the public discussion taking place in Belarus of the main Law of the country: why this is important, how it will affect each of its citizens. The business manager answered questions from the company’s employees exhaustively and convincingly. The team was concerned about the issues of preserving historical memory, a popular article about measures to preserve and strengthen one’s own health, about the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, given the fact that one representative of our enterprise became a member of the sixth Supreme Council, where he represented the interests of the entire team. People were concerned about the issue of initiating the removal of the President from office by collecting signatures: about the need to increase the minimum threshold (number of signatures), since 150,000 is very little for this. For comparison, more than 150,000 holders of the right to vote live in the Frunzensky district of Minsk alone.

At the end of the meeting, Valery Nikolaevich emphasized the importance of such events, thanked for the questions and suggestions received, wished everyone good health and reminded of the need for vaccination. The business manager noted that he himself was vaccinated with a Russian-made vaccine and recently underwent revaccination, and also invited the company’s employees to follow his example, because they need to understand that vaccination is important. Only together can we stop the spread of coronavirus infection.

The meeting participants agreed that the upcoming referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is an important event for the entire country and every citizen.

On February 27, residents of the country will have to make their choice. People’s interest in this topic is great, which means that everyone will consciously fulfill their civic duty – come and vote. The main thing is to make an informed decision that will allow us to continue to move forward and preserve Belarus as a strong and independent state.