The project is timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Institute of the Presidency and is designed to clearly show and demonstrate the tremendous path that our country has traveled over the years.

The organizers of the project — the capital’s trade unions and the city organization of the NGO “Belaya Rus” — organize meetings with labor collectives throughout July in large enterprises of the city, where they discuss the achievements and prospects for the development of enterprises, the formation and expansion of social guarantees for employees. Our Printing House was no exception for such a meeting. The purpose of the dialogue platform “30 Sovereign Years” is to create conditions in the labor collective for the formation of a spirit of unity and cohesion based on the ideas and values of the Belarusian statehood.

During the meeting of the company’s management with the staff, attention was focused on the positive processes of development of Belarus during the formation of the institution of the presidency. They talked about the structure and scale of the capital’s industrial potential: economic achievements and development prospects, the preservation of social guarantees for employees, and the development of corporate social responsibility. The audience was shown a documentary by the MIR TV channel about the independence of Belarus.

Today, young people sometimes just don’t think about how our country has changed over the past three decades. And they take for granted all the guarantees and opportunities for professional and personal self-realization that they have. Looking back, using concrete examples, we can see how much we have advanced in terms of technological development of enterprises, how much the working conditions have changed for the better. This is the result of the decisions that were made by the Head of State, the result of the coordinated work of labor collectives for three decades. And we understand that by preserving the best traditions and achievements of previous years, we can achieve even more.

The participants of the dialogue platform discussed the path of a sovereign country, the role of President Alexander Lukashenko in national history and determined what remains to be overcome. Representatives of the labor dynasties who attended the meeting told how they pass on their accumulated experience to the younger generation. After all, it is thanks to the President’s policy that industrial enterprises are not only preserved in the country, but also constantly developing. This provides good opportunities for employment, increasing people’s incomes, and developing a system of social guarantees.