Early voting in the presidential election has ended in Belarus
In 5 days, 41.81% of the citizens included in the voting lists voted. Brest region – 41.99 % Vitebsk region – 41.51 % Gomel region – 41.72 % Grodno region – 40.70 % Minsk region – 42.68 % Mogilev region – 42.95% Minsk – 41.14 % We remind you that… 25.01.2025
In four days, 35.99% of the total number of citizens included in the voting lists took part in early voting in the presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus
37.78% of citizens in Brest region received ballots, 36.52% in Vitebsk region, 36.57% in Gomel region, 35.61% in Grodno region, 36.50% in Minsk region, 35.92% in Mogilev region, and 33.66% in Minsk city. 24.01.2025
In three days, 27.15% of the total number of citizens included in the voting lists took part in early voting in the presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus
30.66% of citizens in Brest region received ballots, 27.47% in Vitebsk region, 25.99% in Gomel region, 27.03% in Grodno region, 27.37% in Minsk region, 26.90% in Mogilev region, and 25.21% in Minsk city. 23.01.2025
In two days, 17.67 % citizen took part in early voting in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus
In the Brest region, 19.35 % of citizens received ballots, in Vitebsk region – 18.35 %, in Gomel region – 17.67 %, in Grodno region – 15.13 %, in Minsk region – 17.72 %, in Mogilev region – 17.98 %, in Minsk – 17.20 %. 22.01.2025
On the first day of early voting in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Belarus, the turnout was 7.81 %
In the Brest region, 8.95 % of citizens received ballots, in Vitebsk region – 7.45 %, in Gomel region – 7.01 %, in Grodno region – 6.08 %, in Minsk region – 8.52 %, in Mogilev region – 7.25 %, in Minsk – 8.54 %. 21.01.2025