Supporting gifted and talented youth is a matter of national importance. All conditions are created so that every young person has the opportunity to realize his abilities, and his talent is used with maximum efficiency for himself and for society as a whole.

There is a clearly functioning system for stimulating and rewarding gifted students for high achievements in creative, research, design, and scientific activities. They are entered into the data bank of gifted youth of the Republic of Belarus, have benefits for providing a place in a hostel and priority distribution. Talented youth are the future of our country. The innovative potential of youth today is included among the most significant

resources for socio-economic and cultural development.

The certificate of awarding the third prize of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted pupils and students was awarded to the winner of the XXVII Republican competition of scientific works of students Nikita Andreevich Shevel, deputy head of the production and publishing center of our enterprise. Topic of the scientific work: “A device for recording and analyzing human breathing sounds and its use in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.”

The workforce of the enterprise congratulates Nikita Andreevich on the award and wishes him further success, fulfillment of his plans and implementation of large-scale plans. There is a strong belief that the high appreciation of scientific achievements will become the dominant incentive for talented youth and will further serve as a significant contribution to the construction of a strong and prosperous Republic of Belarus and its national security.