Everyone associates May not only with warmth, but also with an important public holiday of the country. May 1st has long become one of the favorite holidays of many generations.

Processions and festive celebrations took place in all corners of the country. May 1 is, first of all, a holiday for working people. After all, today each of us, through our painstaking work, creates the present, builds the future and at the same time does not forget about the past. Therefore, it is no accident that the holiday in the capital began at the stele “Minsk – Hero City”. Representatives of the enterprise’s workforce, led by the leadership of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism Workers, as well as the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the Printing House, Anatoly Alekseevich Uretsky, laid flowers at the monument in memory of the heroic feat of our ancestors. After that, we moved to the capital’s Victory Park, where the epicenter of the celebrations was the opening ceremony of Labor Day and awarding the winners of professional competitions and the best workers in various industries. One of the most prestigious awards, the Labor Prize, has been awarded for more than 30 years. During this time, over 600 people were noted. This time, 20 applicants became laureates – those who achieved high results in their work or scientific activities, and also introduced their own innovative approaches into practice. Industry trade unions set up interactive platforms in Victory Park. Hundreds of work collectives came here in a great mood to celebrate Labor Day together.  

Through united work, care for our native land and love for our home, we create tomorrow, the well-being of our small homeland and the country as a whole. History proves that only unity and work are the driving force forward and lead to the achievement of all set goals.