Understanding the important meaning of the state symbols of our country should become an integral part of the general culture of every Belarusian. This thesis was the basis for the project to create the State Flag Square in Minsk – a place symbolizing the independence of the Republic of Belarus. Ten years ago, on July 2, 2013, the State Flag Square was inaugurated in the center of Minsk.

Площадь Государственного флага Беларуси торжественно открылась в Минске Площадь Государственного флага Беларуси торжественно открылась 2 июля в Минске. На снимках: во время церемонии открытия площади Государственного флага. Фото Максима Гучека, БелТА.

The Square of the State Flag of Belarus was solemnly opened in Minsk The Square of the State Flag of Belarus was solemnly opened on July 2 in Minsk. In the photos: during the opening ceremony of the State Flag Square. Photo by Maxim Guchek, BelTA.

When choosing a location for the square, the wind rose was taken into account. The best option turned out to be the intersection of two transport highways: Pobediteley Ave. and st. Orlovskaya, where strong air currents intersect. This allows the flag to fly in the square all year round.

Regarding the height of the stele-flagpole, the young architects of the square proposed 26 different options. Taking into account a number of factors, including weather and development features, the choice fell on the 70 m option. In addition to the main function, the object has an additional one: it acts as a city lighthouse.

Every year, festive events are held on the square on the Day of the State Flag, the State Emblem and the National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus, labor semesters are solemnly opened, award ceremonies are organized, officers take the oath, young Belarusians receive their first passports.

The special pride of the workforce is the flag of the independent Belarusian state, made within the walls of our enterprise. It became the largest in the country: the area is 98 square meters. m, weight – 25 kg. Made almost by hand on my knees, since this size of table was simply not available at that time. Sewn from several parts. The material of the panel is waterproof and does not fade under the influence of the sun.