On March 21, 2024, an information day will be held on the topic: “ Republic of Belarus: projects of the future .”

March 15, 2024 marked 30 years since the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. Its main norm was the introduction of the presidency, which significantly determined the development trajectory of our country.

By choosing the course proposed by President A.G. Lukashenko, we avoided wars and upheavals, preserved and increased the achievements of the Soviet period, and ensured independence in key sectors – industry, energy, agriculture, healthcare and others. In the difficult situation in the global economy, everyone in our country is guaranteed by the state a job and an appropriate salary, accessible education and medicine, life safety and assistance in any difficult life situation.

Three decades later, we can confidently say that the sovereign and independent Republic of Belarus has taken place. But stopping there and resting on your laurels risks being thrown to the sidelines of history. Any healthy nation is distinguished by the desire to dream, set new goals, and live for the sake of the future. Belarusians are no exception. Today we are laying the foundation for our tomorrow, developing projects that will allow us to be strong and successful in a rapidly changing world. Technological breakthroughs, as a condition for our self-preservation, are no longer needed by us, but by our children.

Today, the scientific and technological sovereignty of the state is the key to its political and economic independence. It is not the size of the territory and natural resources, but the intellectual resource and human capital that are the real national wealth of a nation. This allows Belarusians to look into the future with optimism.