We have entered 2024, an anniversary year for Belarusian cinema: it turns 100 years old. On December 17, 1924, on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the BSSR “On the regulation of the film industry in the BSSR”, the Directorate for Cinema Affairs (Belgoskino) was created under the People’s Commissariat of Education of the BSSR. This became the “starting point” for the beginning of the history of the national cinema of Belarus.

We will celebrate this significant date with the whole world: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus has prepared an extensive plan for celebrating the film anniversary. The On Screens magazine, which has always been and remains the only specialized film publication in our country, will publish materials on the history of Russian cinema in 2024. We will remember the main events of the Century of Cinema, our best films and the glorious names of directors, screenwriters, actors, cameramen – all “citizens of the City of Masters”…

Truly great people laid foundations over which time has no power. Talented followers continued their work. Belarusian cinema continues today – by young enthusiasts who are inspired by traditions and believe in themselves.

Throughout its century-long history, Belarusian cinema has not changed its creative principles based on humanism and spirituality. We are proud of our cinema. Each issue of the magazine in the coming 2024 will be an anniversary! This is our declaration of love for cinema, which remains the most important of the arts.