About our enterprise

We provide a full range of publishing and printing services: production of printed products using various technologies – offset, flexographic, digital printing, fabric printing.

The history of the Belarusian Press House is the history of our native Belarus – heroic, dramatic, aimed at the future.

The enterprise at different stages of its biography was called differently: Minsk Provincial Printing House, Printing House of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Western Region and the Front, 1st Soviet Printing House, Printing House named after I.V. Stalin, Printing House of the Zvyazda Publishing House, Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.

But right now the name of the enterprise most fully reflects both its high professional status and its production concept. The Belarusian Printing House has taken on the honorable mission of representing the national school of printing.

Today the PUBLISHING HOUSE “BELARUSIAN PRINTING HOUSE” is a modern, dynamically developing, diversified printing enterprise.

The Belarusian Printing House, as the largest printing enterprise with modern equipment and focused on the latest technologies, has been entrusted with the high right to publish products of national importance – forms for general civil, service, and diplomatic passports of the Republic of Belarus .

In 2021, at the special production facility of our enterprise, as part of the implementation of the Set of Measures for the Implementation of Biometric Documents in the Republic of Belarus, the production of biometric documents began :

We produce state, international, sports, corporate symbols and paraphernalia. We take special pride in the production of symbols of the independent Belarusian state: the flag and coat of arms.

The publishing house “Belarusian Printing House” has a high status and level of trust from the state. A Belarusian flag made at our enterprise flutters over the State Flag Square in Minsk.

At one time, the company quickly switched to electronic typesetting, color separation and production of forms using the direct exposure method; here they have mastered the printing of multi-page full-color newspapers, including on coated paper, as well as printing on other materials – fabric, cardboard, various films. Today, the Belarusian Printing House occupies a leading position in the production of various types of packaging in the Republic of Belarus.

The largest newspapers in the country are SB. Belarus Today”, “Zvyazda”, “Respublika”, “Chyrvonaya Zmena”, “Banner of Youth”, “Evening Minsk”, “Minsk Courier”, “Belarusian Hour”, various industry publications have been our reliable partners for many years. This is about 20 million copies of newspapers monthly (more than 45 titles), which is almost 80 percent of the total circulation of print media in the country.

During the year, the Printing House produces about 1.4 million copies of books.



To keep abreast of events, to feel the rhythm of modernity – the Belarusian Press House gives this opportunity to thousands of people by publishing newspapers, magazines and books.