The event was attended by 190 representatives of working youth organizations of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus from different regions of the country. The printing house was represented by Girgel Kirill, process engineer of the production department, and Shevtsova Angelina, foreman of the production and publishing center. This final event brought together representatives from all 19 regional forums, which were attended by more than 3 thousand people working in 67 organizations subordinate to the department. All heads of subordinate organizations were also present in the hall, incl. General Director of the Printing House Andrey Lukyanchikov, head of the personnel department of our enterprise Anton Pavelyev, as a representative of the organizing committee of the event and heads of structural divisions of the Administrative Department.

Welcoming the forum participants, Presidential Administrative Officer Yuri Nazarov noted that in the Republic of Belarus, when determining national development priorities for the state, the interests of youth as the most active part of society are necessarily taken into account. All government bodies and public associations without exception are involved in the implementation of youth policy. Our country has built a clear system of socio-economic, socio-political and other measures aimed at supporting young people. Yuri Nazarov also recalled that at a meeting on improving work with personnel on June 16, 2023, the Head of State focused on the fact that the country’s human resources are youth, therefore, among the priority tasks of the country’s socio-economic development is the creation of conditions for stimulating youth employment and the population of the republic as a whole. There are many Yuri Nazarov also recalled that at a meeting on improving work with personnel on June 16, 2023, the Head of State focused on the fact that the country’s human resources are youth, therefore, among the priority tasks of the country’s socio-economic development is the creation of conditions for stimulating youth employment and the population of the republic as a whole. There are many experienced, highly professional and valuable specialists working in the Presidential Administration system, but for the further development of organizations and enterprises it is necessary for more young, proactive and promising workers to come who will take the baton from long-serving, experienced specialists and breathe new energy into solving the assigned tasks . Therefore, a pressing issue for the system is attracting young personnel and retaining them in production.

The head of the Presidential Administration particularly emphasized the importance of understanding the responsibilities assigned to department employees. Every employee in his place, every manager, and work collective must understand that they are members of one team, to which the Head of State has entrusted the solution of special and very important tasks. This requires high responsibility, concentration and work for results. And to achieve high results, a strong, professional and progressive workforce is needed.

Yuri Nazarov also spoke about the fact that organizations of the Presidential Administration in recent years have begun to increasingly introduce into practice the conclusion of agreements with educational institutions for targeted training of specialists and workers. Moreover, the main thing here is that young people, after targeted training, remain to work in organizations even after the end of the established period of compulsory service.

Since 2020, about 130 contracts for targeted training have been concluded, which may not be enough. If experience shows that this approach produces results, it needs to be increased. A number of organizations implement a mentoring system as a form of professional development and adaptation in the workforce of young workers. And this experience needs to be applied more actively, and in all organizations.

The support of experienced specialists at the start plays an important role in how a young person will join the team, how quickly he can understand all the nuances and tasks that are assigned to him, and produce results. At the same time, the main considerations when retaining young workers in production are the level of wages, the possibility of career growth, the presence of prospects for the development of the enterprise in the foreseeable future, as well as the psychological climate and corporate culture in the organization.

It is necessary to create a spirit of unity and mutual support in work teams; more attention needs to be paid to corporate events and social activities. Young people need to be given the opportunity to realize themselves not only in the profession, but also in social life, sports, creativity, and project activities.

In general, the organization of work with youth in the organizations of the Presidential Administration can be assessed as systemic and positive. At the same time, there are a number of gaps that need to be eliminated, to concentrate the attention of managers as much as possible on young personnel, since this is the main resource and potential for further development.

In order to hear young people, their suggestions, talk about what problems concern them, a youth forum was organized. This year, the Youth Council of the Presidential Administration was formed from the most active and proactive young people, which means that our youth already have their own body, which will become a conductor of ideas and proposals, will represent the interests of all working youth and help resolve their issues.

Good luck to Belarus, young people!