The topic of today’s conversation is on the screen. As you can see, it is topical, exciting and concerns virtually everyone.

And all this is because you and I (like a significant part of humanity) imperceptibly moved from an industrial society to an informational one not so long ago.

The first digital device, the ENIAC computer (1946), weighed 30 tons and occupied an area of 140 sq. m. The latest version of Apple’s smartphone weighs 170 grams.

According to the “Global Innovation Index 2023” published by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Belarus ranked 22nd among 132 countries in terms of “Access to ICT” and 28th in terms of “Use of ICT”.

If 5.7 million people used the Internet in Belarus in 2014, then in 2024 it was already 8.5 million (89.5% of the population) (for comparison: according to the We are Social agency, Internet penetration in Russia was 90.4%, Kazakhstan – 92.3%, Poland – 88.1%, Lithuania – 89%, Latvia – 92.9%, Ukraine – 79.2%).

97% of the population is covered by mobile communications. At the same time, almost the entire territory of Belarus (99%) has access to high-speed 3G and 4G/LTE mobile communications.

Today, the Internet infrastructure consumes from 6% to 12% of the electricity produced on Earth.

It began in the second half of the 20th century after the invention of the computer and global telecommunications networks. And today, the intensity and volume of work in the IT sector are increasing every year, more and more productive devices are appearing on the market, and data transfer speeds are increasing.

And now ordinary consumers, such as you and me, face the problem of information overload every day right in the morning. Because the amount of data that “falls” on a person every second has long exceeded our ability to process it.

If in the mid-1980s a person received information in the amount equivalent to 40-50 issues of newspapers per day, then in the 2010s the figure increased to 175 issues.

That’s one thing. Another danger is that for many people the world has narrowed down to a smartphone screen, and the picture of the world to a news feed on social networks.

Everyone present, I believe, is familiar with the phenomenon of the “information bubble”.

This is when the algorithms of the Internet itself form a personal news feed based on the preferences of a particular user.

And after a while, these “incomprehensibly controlled” algorithms displace information that contradicts your views, interests, and values.

And this is bad. After all, a person finds more and more confirmations of his – sometimes not completely correct – point of view. His picture of the world becomes distorted.

In the same way, all those people who tell us what they may not like are “eliminated”. And a social “bubble” is forming, the very “warm bath” from which an engineer, an economist, an official no longer wants to get out.

By the way, think about this: the state media could, in principle, plunge all of us into the same “bath”, right?

However, here is what the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko said on May 28, 2024 at the Forum of the Media Community in Mogilev: “I have never demanded to filter information, creating “parallel worlds” of universal prosperity in the media and silencing acute topics. You know my approach: people should see and know the truth.”

The truth is that Internet technologies are not only good.

Trends in the development of the information society are necessarily taken into account in Washington, London, the headquarters of NATO and the European Union, where they continue to escalate tensions in the world.

It is difficult to expect anything else from powers and alliances that position themselves as the arbiters of world destinies, believe in their own exclusivity and impunity. At the same time, they are, in fact, owners, owners, managers of the global Internet information network, as well as its main tools.

Their goal is obvious: using the example of Belarus and fraternal Russia to intimidate everyone who pursues or is going to pursue an independent foreign policy. Who puts national interests at the forefront, and not the whims of former colonial metropolises.

Who does not want to divide the world into one golden billion, living in a “civilized garden”, and the other seven, living, from their point of view, in a “wild jungle”.

And as before, as it has always been, lies and outright provocations are being used against you and me, only wrapped in colorful modern shells.

And, probably, the main thing is: do not deceive yourself. And don’t let yourself be fooled. Be reasonable, pamyarkoyny, get divorced by Belarusians. Everyone is in their place.

Live and work like this – and no fakes will be able to “shake” our beloved Belarus in the future.

As Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko said (on September 20, 2022 at a meeting with the Secretary of State of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Volfovich): “It is necessary to show the real reality. In the end, it wins out. Fake is for a day or two. And then it all goes away. Therefore, there is no need for fakes. Don’t give false wrong information. It is necessary to do everything with dignity, beautifully, so as not to make excuses later.