The information and educational event “Minsk – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute of the Presidency in the Republic of Belarus, was held at the Minsk City Palace of Culture on July 10.

It was attended by heads of district administrations of the capital, representatives of the Minsk City Executive Committee, deputies of the Minsk City Council and the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, heads of city and district organizational structures of public associations and political parties, representatives of students, students and working youth of the capital, heads of metropolitan enterprises together with representatives of their labor collectives, as well as honorary guests and experts.

Within the framework of the project, 3 thematic information blocks were considered:

30 years of the presidency is a rather insignificant period by human standards, by the standards of history – just nothing. However, how much has happened, how the world has changed around! In 1991, instead of stability and confidence in the future, we got a disintegrating USSR, a country with an almost paralyzed economy and a rapidly impoverished population. Then the state faced problems – empty counters, coupons for food and essential goods, a shortage of medicines, rampant crime, etc.

The institution of the presidency turned out to be life-saving, and we were very lucky to have a President who was not afraid to lead the country in these difficult conditions, was able to consolidate society and build an effective system of public administration. He became a real leader. Today, Belarus is a truly independent, sovereign state with a stable economy and high standards in the field of social protection of the population. We have managed to preserve our human and economic potential. We are developing despite unprecedented external pressure, restrictions and sanctions.

Belarus managed to avoid the economic and social catastrophes faced by most countries of the former USSR, rampant “hijacking” and armed conflicts. Being only 97th in the world in terms of population, we have the highest authority in the international arena. The other day, the accession to the SCO became a confirmation of this. This recognition of us as a full-fledged state, based on its political and economic weight, is an important historical event that highlights the achievements of our country over a 30-year period.

Belarus, which exists today, strong and independent, is not a given, but the result of the work of every resident under the leadership of the Head of State.