In the period from September 19 to October 9, regional forums “Youth and the Future” will be held in organizations of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. They will cover more than 3,000 young people working in organizations subordinate to the department. At the regional level, forum participants will develop questions and proposals for their further discussion at the final meeting of the Youth Forum, in the capital at the end of October with the participation of the Presidential Administrator Yu.V. Nazarov, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union A.S. Lukyanov, representatives members of the parliament, public figures and other invited persons. About 200 young and active people from all organizations of the Administrative Department structure will be delegated to participate in the forum.

Already on October 2, our Belarusian Printing House will become the basic organization on the industry principle of holding a regional forum; young people from the Minsk Printing House, the Department for Humanitarian Activities of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the State Institution Health Camp “Planet” will come to the youth of our enterprise.

The main goals and objectives of the Youth Forum are to increase the role of working youth in the implementation of state youth policy, to facilitate the adaptation and retention of young workers in organizations, to identify current issues that concern young people in order to solve them.

The program of our youth forum includes communication with the leadership of the Office of the President of Belarus and the management of the enterprise, representatives of the deputy corps, and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. It is planned to hold a requiem meeting at the monument to the fallen soldiers-printers during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the enterprise, interactive trainings and a tour of the production.

See you at the youth forum sites!