On January 25, a conference of the primary trade union organization of the state enterprise “Belarusian Printing House Publishing House” on the implementation of the collective agreement in 2023 was held in the assembly hall of the enterprise. The main issues regarding the implementation of the collective agreement over the past year, the planned budget for 2024, additions and changes to the collective agreement for 2022-2025 were also considered.

At the Conference, the following were elected members of the presidium:

Representatives of the plant management and the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the Printing House made reports.

Also at the conference, changes were made to the Collective Agreement for 2022-2025. It was noted that the main goal of the changes to its sections is to streamline and bring into compliance with legal regulations the clauses, sections and annexes of the current Collective Agreement, resolve controversial issues, establish the principle of social justice and a unified approach in matters of social and labor relations, and maintain the level of guarantee taking into account the real possibilities of their implementation. The trade union committee builds its work on the principles of social partnership and cooperation with the plant management, resolving all issues through constructive dialogue in the interests of workers. This means not only demanding, but also taking on part of the responsibility for those issues that fall within the competence of trade unions.

Joining forces allows us to overcome difficulties and achieve success together. Working with a social partner for results is achieved through mutual understanding and norms enshrined in the collective agreement of the Printing House.

The changes made specify individual positions, introduce consistency into sections and allow us to move on, preserving social benefits for the company’s employees. After discussing the draft amendments to the Collective Agreement for 2022 – 2025, a unanimous decision was made to approve it.

During an open vote, the conference delegates adopted a resolution on the relevant issues on the agenda, recognizing the work of the plant management and trade union committee in implementing the collective agreement for 2023 as satisfactory.