You can take part in the voting from 8.00 to 20.00.

The voters included in the voting lists will be able to receive a ballot upon presentation of their passport (ID card). In addition, you can provide another document that confirms your identity.:

– military ID (for conscripts);

– official identification of an employee of a government agency (organization); 

– driver’s license; 

– pension certificate, disability certificate (if there is a photo in it); 

– student ID card;

– student’s ticket;

– a certificate from the internal affairs body confirming the identity of a citizen (in case of loss (theft) of a passport (identification card) of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus).

The bulletin contains information about five candidates. A square is placed opposite each candidate. In one of the squares, opposite the candidate you are voting for, you must put any sign, for example, a tick. 

If a voter makes a mistake or spoils the ballot while filling out the ballot, he can contact the members of the precinct election commission and receive a new ballot. However, this right can only be used once.

Voters have the opportunity to vote at home.

If a voter is unable to come to the polling station for health reasons or for other valid reasons, he/she has the right to apply in writing or verbally to the relevant precinct commission with a request to organize voting at his/her location. 

The voter can submit such a request to the precinct commission with the assistance of other persons, for example, relatives, neighbors. 

Official confirmation of the reasons for the inability to come to the polling station is not required. 

A voter may request the organization of voting at his place of residence until 18.00 on January 26.

Voters with disabilities will receive the necessary assistance at polling stations.

Information materials about the candidates for President of the Republic of Belarus, made in Braille, as well as stencils for self-filling out the ballot, were made for the blind. 

Volunteers are on duty at polling stations.

There is a service for searching a polling station on the website of the Central Election Commission of Belarus. By specifying the necessary information, any voter can find out where his polling station is located in order to participate in an important event for the country – the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Today, on the main election day, campaigning is prohibited by law. 

We are waiting for everyone at the polling stations. Everyone’s voice is important!