It has already become a trend for the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus to hold events during which young people improve their professional competencies, and also learn to defend positions, share interesting ideas and bring them to life.

From August 14 to 17, the Youth Forum “Together for peace and creation” is taking place at the Logoisky holiday home. Among the participants are young representatives of 15 industry trade unions. The organizers prepared a lot of unique activities for almost a hundred trade union activists representing capital enterprises. So, the guys have already made an excursion into history and learned more about the genocide of the Belarusian people, attended a team building training, and studied the topic of social design. During the four-day program, dialogue platforms, round tables, and communication with representatives of the authorities, trade unions and leading media were organized for the participants. Trade unionists visited large enterprises and organizations, such as MITRA, Kommunarka, Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, incl. and our enterprise “Publishing House “Belarusian House of Printing”. During the tour of the country’s largest printing enterprise, its participants visited:

production and publishing center, where they became familiar with the processes of pre-press preparation of editorial material and printed forms;

offset workshop, where they saw the printing process on offset sheet and roll machines;

the binding shop, where they observed the process of post-printing and production of books and brochures;

and lastly, the pride of the enterprise, the newspaper workshop, where they captured the process of printing republican newspapers and advertising leaflets.

In addition, the forum participants underwent psychological training, saw unique films from Belarusfilm, became part of a tourist training, created a tent camp, developed their own projects and much more.