October 22 is the birthday of the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, head of the TriTformaT Theater Project, director of the Belarusian Academic Theater for Young Spectators, popular theater and film actress Vera Aleksandrovna Polyakova, a beautiful “round” date. But it’s not an anniversary, but that very age about which folk wisdom says that this is a time of renewal, a second youth, the full flowering of beauty, the zenith of femininity. It’s hard not to agree with this, looking at the wonderful actress, whom we consider one of the faithful friends of our magazine and… one of our most beloved friends.

…In fact, we call her Verochka – this has been the custom since a long time ago when she first crossed the threshold of the editorial office of the On Screens magazine. She was a film debutante – dazzlingly beautiful and – quite obviously! – very talented. Open, cheerful, Vera simply radiated positive energy, infecting everyone around her with this kind force that shone in her eyes and smile. And everyone around began to smile back at her.

…However, this was not only the case in my youth. It has always been like this. At the premieres at the Studio Theater of the film actor, to whom the actress devoted twenty years of her creative life, at the premieres of films with her participation, at numerous film festivals, where Vera Polyakova worthily represented Belarusian cinema: sparing no emotion, she communicated with the audience, sang… Literally bathed in audience applause and love. Yes, it is the stage that gives the artist the opportunity to see with his own eyes the love of the audience. Vera Polyakova has acted a lot in films and on television, but, perhaps, only the theater gives her scope for creativity and the fullest possible realization.

An “excellent” date, that is, a date ending with a five, still requires solemnity. Compliments and even panegyrics are appropriate.

The roles played by Vera Polyakova on the stage of the TriTformaT Theater Project in the plays “Three Sisters”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “Karenina”, “Princess Mary” allow us to say that the actress came to her personal holiday with luxurious creative baggage. This is not luggage – this is a treasure! And from a beautiful girl who graced comedies and melodramas, she grew into a bright, deep actress with a wide dramatic range and unique personality.

For her birthday, Vera Polyakova gave both herself and the audience a wonderful gift – she played Margarita in a play staged on the stage of the Youth Theater based on Mikhail Bulgakov’s literary masterpiece “The Master and Margarita”. In the story about the immortal love of a beautiful woman and a brilliant man, transferred to the theatrical stage, Vera Polyakova rises to new creative heights. This is a high tragedy and triumph of spiritual strength, a story filled with incredible beauty and poetry. But there was also a place for Bulgakov’s all-conquering humor here. After all, in our difficult life, everything is nearby: “I myself loved to laugh too much when I shouldn’t…”

If you haven’t seen this performance yet, be sure to check it out! Vera Polyakova will be very glad to see you in the auditorium. Believe me, she will play – for each of you.