According to the Constitution, the Supreme National Assembly is the highest representative body of the people’s power of the Republic of Belarus.

The All-Belarusian People’s Assembly is entrusted with the most important political functions. It defines:

In addition, the Supreme National Assembly proposes amendments and additions to the Constitution, organizes republican referendums, has the right to consider the issue of the legitimacy of elections, introduces a state of emergency or martial law in the country if there are grounds provided for by the Constitution, and in the event of inaction of the President on these issues.

At the first meeting, the chairman of the SPC, his deputy and members of the Presidium of the SPC will be elected. They are elected by the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly by secret ballot. The day before, candidates were nominated to the Presidium of the Supreme National Assembly from regions, public associations, legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. Delegates will also approve the National Security Concept and Military Doctrine.

The first meeting of the VII VNS will be held on April 24-25, 2024 in Minsk.

From the history of the Supreme Council: The first All-Belarusian People’s Assembly was held in 1996. Previously, the decisions of the Supreme Council were advisory in nature. However, amendments to the Constitution, adopted in a republican referendum on February 27, 2022, secured the constitutional status of the Supreme National Assembly. Now the decisions made by the meeting are binding.