During the first day of the event, the first four decisions were made – on the election of the Chairman of the SPC, his deputy and the Presidium of the SPC, as well as on the approval of the Temporary Regulations of the SPC.

The President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko, was elected Chairman of the VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly.

Alexander Nikolaevich Kosinets was elected Deputy Chairman of the VII VNS.

Elected to the Presidium:

During the second day of the event, delegates of the VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly unanimously decided by open vote to approve the National Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus and the Military Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus.

The concept of national security is a fundamental military-political document that regulates the state’s approaches to ensuring its own security in various areas. In our country, the previous edition of the concept was adopted in 2010. Since then, the balance of political forces around Belarus has changed significantly, and a new version of the Constitution has been adopted. Among other things, these factors determined the objective need to adjust the fundamental principles of ensuring national security in our country.

The draft of the new Military Doctrine was prepared in pursuance of the Security Council resolution “On consideration of the draft of the new National Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus.” The new Military Doctrine does not provide for a radical revision of the provisions of the state’s military policy; the current provisions remain unchanged, and its defensive nature is preserved. The document reveals the content of the military policy of Belarus, in particular,it emphasizes that we are a peace-loving country, we do not threaten anyone, and attempts to interfere in our internal affairs, and especially the threat of using military force or aggression, will be suppressed using the full potential of the state.

A new page has been written in the chronicle of state building. The President of Belarus, Chairman of the VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly Alexander Lukashenko announced this on April 25, summing up the results of the first meeting of the VII All-Belarusian National Assembly.

The head of state noted that all issues included in the agenda of the meeting were considered.

“We will assume that we have not yet reached the pinnacle of our work. I promise we will achieve it. The work of the first meeting of the VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, formed under the new constitutional status, has ended. A new page has been written in the chronicle of state building,”  said Alexander Lukashenko.

The President emphasized that great things can be seen from a distance, and the VNS is now only at the beginning of a long journey.

“We, the people of Belarus, based on responsibility for the present and future of the country, wanting to ensure peace and harmony, the well-being of our citizens, the inviolability of democracy, the independence and prosperity of our Belarus, adopted strategic planning documents: the Concept of National Security and the Military Doctrine of our state. These documents contain our aspirations and hopes,”  noted Alexander Lukashenko.

Thus, during the meeting the legal foundation for the legal security of Belarus was laid. “This is the key to fulfilling the wishes of millions of Belarusians. I am confident that the decisions taken will serve as a solid basis for preserving the Belarusian people as a unique historical community and enhancing

the national heritage created by entire generations,”  said the Head of State.

But solutions alone are not enough, he noted.

“The most important thing ahead is painstaking work. And here I want to protect you from indifference and indifference. Being a delegate of the Supreme Council means, first of all, being responsible for the fate of the country. Act as a barometer of public sentiment. Be principled in protecting national interests. We all have to report on our work. Report to those who delegated you on all issues that were considered. To convey to everyone how important it is today to be strong, united and united in defending the interests of our native country. You have been delegated, which means they trust you and listen to you. Use this trust for the benefit of the prosperity of our native land. Strengthen your authority with deeds, support people’s initiatives, help them unite for this,”  the Belarusian leader urged the delegates.