Magazine «On Screens»


In the extensive list of high-quality printed products produced by the state enterprise “Belarusian Printing House Publishing House”, the magazine “On the Screens” is in a special place: the flagship of the Belarusian printing industry is its founder and publisher.

The magazine “On the Screens (Belarusi)” was founded in August 1957 , and this gives him the right to consider himself a long-liver among the republican media, a veteran of the Belarusian press and an excellent representative of the culture of Belarus. Over the years since its establishment, the name of the publishing house has changed several times, but the thematic direction of the journal it founded has remained unchanged. Since its birth, focused on the propaganda and popularization of national cinema, the magazine has never deviated from its concept, objectively and consistently covering screen art – domestic, foreign, popular, elite, classics and premieres, competitions and festivals.

The magazine was at the origins of the creation of the Minsk IFF “Listapad” and has been its chronicler throughout the years of the existence of the country’s most important festival. Our publication has permanent accreditation at the most prominent film forums in the post-Soviet space. There is not a single significant film event in the country or abroad that would not have a relevant response in the magazine “On the Screens” , but with the obligatory observance of the priorities of Belarusian cinema.

The content of the magazine “On the Screens” is distinguished by a harmonious combination of film studies and popular genres, an abundance of photographic materials, exclusive interviews with the most media persons from the world of cinema, and reports from film sets. The performance platform is open to both masters and students, filmmakers of the “next” generation (permanent column “Cluster. Culture. Faculty of Journalism”).

“On the Screens” is a reliable information partner of the National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”. Of particular interest to readers are the joint events of the magazine, the film studio and the Belarusian Union of Cinematographers: special issues dedicated to the premieres of the Belarusfilm film studio, masters of national cinema and thematic film calendars.


People’s Artist of Belarus, film director A.V. Efremov , Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus S.I. Sukhovey , Doctor of Philology T.D. Orlova , Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Literary and Art Criticism of the Faculty of Journalism of BSU L.P. Saenkova , Candidates of Art History A.A. Karpilova and O.I. Silvanovich , General Director of the Publishing House “Belarusian House of Printing” » A. N. Lukyanchikov, film critic I.O. Avdeev.


Editor L. I. Peregudova , journalist, screenwriter, associate professor at the Faculty of Journalism of BSU, was awarded the Francis Skorina Medal for her personal contribution to the culture of the Republic of Belarus. Literary editor Yu. A. Leshko , journalist, film playwright, writer. She was awarded the “Crystal Stork” prize for the best script (“Girlfriend Autumn”) at the 5th National Film Festival of Belarusian Films in Brest, and a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Art editor E. N. Targonskaya. She was awarded a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for her significant personal contribution to the development and promotion of Belarusian national cinema.

Authors: candidates of art history Natalya Agafonova, Marina Belookaya , film critic Nelli Krivosheeva , journalists Leonid Pavlyuchik (Moscow), Valentin Pepelyaev, Ksenia Zaretskaya and others; photographers Viktor Zaikovsky, Oleg Silvanovich, Dmitry Eliseev , students of creative universities, members of the Belarusian Union of Cinematographers. Awards of the magazine: prizes and diplomas of the international film festivals “Listapad”, “Golden Knight”, the Republican Film Festival of Belarusian Films in Brest, Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian Union of Cinematographers.

Starting from October, you can subscribe to “On the Screens” magazine without leaving your home!

Go to the “Internet subscription” service using the link . Individual subscription index 74971, departmental subscription 749712.